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Dearest Jody,

Where do I even begin? Should I tell you how overwhelming my love is for you, and today of all days my cup overflows. I have gotten past the doubt and sorrow that goes along with you being up there, now I can show my pride.

You are with me each day as I walk through life, you have forever changed me. Each day I sit and look at your pictures, I see such beauty and strength. I am so thankful for you. Grandpa said it best, you accomplished a lifetime in 60 minutes.

Recently Dad and I were talking to Grandma, about you. She said you bring her comfort in her times of need… each day you are surrounded in love. Especially today, on your birthday, you are in our hearts and on our minds. You are loved.

A year ago today we sat in the hospital awaiting your arrival, anxious to know what you would look like. We were there that day knowing you would arrive, and we would not mourn but we would shower you in love. Our prayers were answered; you arrived and let us know you were here with a cry. I can close my eyes and still see your face, your skin pink and warm.

Each day I ask you to visit me in my dreams, finally I realized you do. Each morning when I wake not remembering my dreams but feeling content and at peace I know you were with me filling my thought with images of you. As I said before you are always with me, on my mind, in my heart and soul. You little guy are apart of me, part of who I am.

So today, I might turn my head and hide my tears. But these tears will not be tears of sorrow; they will be tears of joy. Because today, I will remember your weight as I held you in my arms, the softness of your skin and the sound of you breathing. Today I will celebrate YOU…

I am so very proud of you Jody, Happy 1st heavenly birthday.

Loving you always,
